
The Dangerous Path in Genshin Impact - How to Start and Complete the Archons Quest

A detailed walkthrough of the second part of the Rift plot, which will open access to event tests. Learn how to start and complete all stages, including the Dance of the Cranes and City of Hidden Runes dungeon.

Archon Quest The Dangerous Path in Genshin Impact - How to Start and Complete

Dangerous path to Genshin impact – the second chapter of the intermediate volume of the tasks of the Archons. The traveler will again go to the underground mines of the Rift, where he will meet old and new friends. Find yourself in even more strange and dangerous places and unravel the mystery of the lowest floor of the Rift.

How to start the Archons quest Dangerous Path in Genshin Impact

Select the task "Dangerous Path" in the quest menu and click track. If there is no assignment make sure it's finished:

  • the task of the Archons "Approach of a new star";
  • the last quest from the "Records of a Journey Deep into the Rift" chain - "Where is the soul gem from?».

If after fulfilling the conditions the quest did not appear, use the button quick start in the event menu. Also note that the developers have divided the story part, so each of the 4 stages will open gradually.

Walkthrough of the Archons quest Dangerous Path in Genshin Impact

Unexpected guest

Yan Fei on the map in The Dangerous Path

Near the stone bridge, which is located opposite the waypoint in the north of the southwestern part of the Rift, stands Yan Fei. Start a dialogue. The girl will ask you not to tell anyone that the traveler and Paimon saw her and leave.

Talking to Yan Fei in The Dangerous Path

Then Paimon will share his thoughts about the legal consultant's suspicious business trip. Itto and Cookie Shinobuwho are interested in how to find Yan Fei. The traveler will give them the wrong coordinates.

Go deeper into the rift

Go deeper into the rift. Hole under the column.

After the Inazuma friends leave, Paimon will offer to investigate the hole under the pillar. Head southwest and drop down to Yan Fei or the yellow marker. A dialogue will automatically begin, during which Ye lan, Itto and Cookie Shinobu. The heroes will quarrel, and a strong earthquake will stop the fight. As a result, the guys will fall to the bottom of the Rift.

Head to Ye Lan

Ye Lan will notice the road in one of the passages. Move forward through the tunnel to the dungeon. After a short cut-scene, the second stage of the quest will begin.

Underground maze: how to pass the Dance of the Cranes

Monsters in the dungeon

Enter the dungeon and form a squad. For faster and easier passage take Hydro character, as the dungeon is filled with Pyro monsters. The main goal is to find a way out to the outside world.

Walkthrough of the dungeon Dance of the Cranes

How to get over the barrier

To the right of the entrance is the second location, but it is impossible to get into it because of the barrier. Rotate your devicenext to it until a ladder appears. Go down, defeat the slimes and activate the mechanism again.

Climb the steps and turn right. Fight the monsters, take the chest and turn the mechanism three times.

A passage will open to the first location, where you need to flip the middle building. There, destroy the enemies again (there will be 2 waves) and activate the ladder.

Flipped middle building

Climb up to the final challenge. After defeating the Geovishaps, a precious chest and a portal will appear through which you can exit.

Outside, the heroes realize that they are in the same place they came from. Trying to separate didn't help, Xiao didn't hear the Traveler's call for the first time. Even Usi (Itto the bull) didn't find the way out, and the hole from above disappeared.

Talk to the rest

The guys are forced to linger in a strange cave, talk to them. Crimson oni and his assistant are roasting a violet melon to gain strength (just opposite gg). Consultant Li Yue a little to the left is trying not to lose heart, but Ye Lan in a nearby cave promises to solve the problem. After talking with friends, the second stage will end and unlocks the Kingdom of Lies and Strife challenge.

Danger is everywhere

To proceed to the third stage, wait until the next day or rewind time in the game menu.

Third stage. Ye lan finds a new path.

On the second day, Yan Fei will notice that their physical condition does not change. Nobody feels hungry or thirsty. There is no fatigue from work, but rest does not give strength either. Moreover, everyone is sure that they spent a different amount of time here, someone for a day, and someone for twenty. Will drive the heroes away from the terrible thoughts about the strangeness of what is happening Ye Lan. The girl will report that she has found a new path behind the stone. Continue exploring, moving further along the tunnel, until you run into a dungeon.

Walkthrough of the dungeon City of Hidden Runes

Enter the dungeon and form a squad. It is advisable to take Geo characters, as they will better deal with the monsters that are waiting inside. To complete the City of Hidden Runes dungeon, you need to solve puzzles by matching the colors and images of the runes on 4 platforms.

Portal to move between platforms

To go to the selected island, touch the portal opposite.

Solving the purple rune puzzle

Stand on the runes that are circled on the screen below (any order). Be careful, because if the character steps on the wrong rune, he will take damage.

Purple rune puzzle solution

After solving the puzzle, the images on the slabs will disappear and a Stone Lavachurl will appear. Defeat him to unlock Light Shapers, which will activate runes on the ceiling.

Violet Rune Sculptors of Light

Interact with the mechanisms by aiming the beams at the runes of the corresponding color using the control panel at the bottom of the screen. When done, return to the original platform.

Solving the blue rune puzzle

Click on the slabs as shown in the image. To get to the central rune on the right side, jump over the incorrect inscriptions or go from an open corner. If you did everything right, 3 Geovishap cubs will appear, fight them and highlight the runes from above with the help of devices.

Solving the puzzle with yellow runes

Similarly to the previous puzzles, we activate the plates on the ground and ceiling. This time, the battle will have to be fought with three Mitachurls with a stone shield.

Solving the green rune puzzle

On each side, step on the rune shown in the screenshot. Two Ancient Geovishaps will appear, which have absorbed Cryo and Pyro elements. Defeat them and aim the beams at the images with the Light Sculptor one more time.

Explore the mysterious gates


After solving all the puzzles, a video will play, where the runes on the original site will light up. Paimon will pay attention to the resulting hole in the center of one of the platforms. Move there. The next cutscene will automatically start. The group will encounter an illusion of a lost Adept, who will disappear immediately after the warning. Cookie decides that the only way out can be found in the breach.

The mechanism that unlocks the mysterious gatesOnce in the pool in the cave, swim to the shore and talk to Itto about the secret door. The guys will take turns entering, and the room will reproduce their fears each time. When the Traveler's turn comes, the door will close. 

How to get out of the room

To leave this place, stand in the center of the highlighted figure and inspect it. The floor will fail, and the traveler will be at the starting point. Swim to friends who are already exhausted and offer to return to the camp.

Discuss what happened with the guys and go into the tunnel to Yan Fei. The consultant will conclude that they are in a place of Chaos and will find another secret passage. Follow it to contact Xiao (turn right twice). A space gap will appear at the end of the path. Through it, Xiao will get to the Traveler and Yan Fei. The girls will notice serious wounds and take the Adept to the camp.

Conversation with Ye Lan

After leaving Xiao to rest, go to the tunnel and talk to Ye Lan (on the left at the entrance), who will tell you about her business in the Rift and research on past times. After listening to the story, talk to each member of the group again. This will complete the third stage.

End of the Road

Xiao comes to his senses

When the Adept came to his senses, he offered to try to break through the gap in space so that the rest could get out into the outside world. Ye Lan is against such self-sacrifice, since Xiao will have to stay inside to maintain the passage.

Itto opens a new passage

No one wants to go to extreme actions that make sacrifices, especially Itto. He can't stand discord within the team. And while the heroes argue, Oni brings the Demon Hunter's plan to life by opening a new passage in the wall with a powerful blow.

Passage of the dungeon Kingdom of insidious illusions

Compass in the dungeon Realm of insidious illusions

Yan Fei will then cast a protective spell on the area where Cookie is watching over the unconscious boss and invite the Traveler to go in search of the treasure from the will. Go through the tunnel and enter the dungeon.

Battle of Yan Fei

After entering, a cut-scene will begin, where the consultant will notice a huge Mystic Compass and Treasure Thieves. A battle will begin, during which they will be given the opportunity to fight for Yan Fei.

After the battle, turn right and take the first part of the diary. Then go to the compass (it lies opposite) and turn the arrow forward once. A new passage is activated, go through the gate and the stone bridge behind it. Fatui will appear in the location. Defeat them with a trial team of Yan Fei and Ye Lan.

The second part of the diary and the position of the compass arrows for passing

After defeating the enemies, take the second page behind the cart in front of the smaller version of the compass. Turn the arrow back and go through the portal.

The sprout to be broken and the position of the arrows for a new move

Once in the past, you can see how the tree, which previously prevented moving forward, has become a sprout. Hit him with any attack, turn the arrow forward all the way and run through the portal again.

Arrow position

The sand now covers a smaller portion of the disk, allowing you to travel farther into the future. Turn the disk forward until it stops and go through the gate again.

The girls will be in a new place. Then Xiao will join them and the battle with Bosacius will begin, where the Demon Hunter will be given as a trial character (the enemy does not have a life bar, so you don’t need to attack the illusion, just dodge attacks).

The third part of the note

The adept will talk about the sad fate of Bosatius and say that if they do not get out of this place as soon as possible, they will suffer the same fate. When the dialogue ends, the disk will be behind bars. To open it, go through the portal, but before that, take the third part of the note from the rail.

Turn the lever and run through the dimensional gate without changing the position of the compass. Kill the spider, rewind time all the way and run through the portal.

Last move

The company will read the records of the Millelites lost in these places and become closer to unraveling. Then the last rune will light up, point the arrow at it and enter the new space.

The heroes will find themselves in the Abyss, and the Traveler will see a brother / sister. Approach it and inspect the Mystic Compass. Apparently, this is an artifact that belongs to the Ye Lan family. She decides to study it and offers to return to the camp. Take the chest and leave the dungeon.

A light in the end of a tunnel

Yan Fei proposes a plan to return home

At the camp, Ye Lan will show more notes about the relative, and Yan Fei will have a clue about how to get out. Upon completion of the dialogue, go to Itto and Kuki. When all the heroes are together, a cut-scene will begin, during which they will be able to get out.

The Dangerous Path in Genshin Impact - How to Start and Complete the Archons Quest

After the heroes go about their business, Xiao will ask the Traveler to go with him to the place where the memories of the Yaks are kept. Teleport to Li Yue's north and approach the marker. The guys will discuss the past, and Paimon will pass on the instructions to Wuxi. This will complete the quest.


For the passage of each stage is automatically issued:

  • Adventure experience;
  • Hero experience;
  • Mora;
  • Source stones;
  • Books of talents;
  • Enchantment Magic Ore.

Also don't forget to pick up additional rewards in the event menu.

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